News Update on 2015 story & House Bill 2665

Our local News channel, KFVS-12, aired an update to the original story of March 2, 2015.  We are so pleased to have their help in raising awareness about the changes happening in Missouri.

KFVS12 – News Update

{Please note a couple errors in the story.  MO is the 2nd state to make efforts to change their protocols.  New York was the first with protocol changes for Bleeding Disorders.  (48 more to go)   —  Should have said “when families can’t administer the meds, the person has to be transported to one of the hospitals in St. Louis or Kansas City.}

2016 – Progress is Happening!

Very pleased with the work of our EMS Bureau and the committees working on the protocol changes.  Yes, the wording is being changed to clarify that our Paramedics are allowed to administer specialty “Home Meds” for rare medical disorders.  {layman’s terms}

But it isn’t just changing words.  Specialized training has already begun with a plan for it being continued with the STARS program, our biggest hospitals, and myself stepping up to assist with it.  Also, in the midst of the review and research, the need for a state-wide standardized Medical Orders Form was realized and that is now in progress!

(as soon as all the wording is finalized, I will share it here)

Alabama Progress

March 21, 2015 – Alabama  joined the campaign!  I was allowed to introduce and explain the importance of Danny’s Dose at their Annual Meeting.

Prior to the meeting, I was able to acquire #s and speak to some 
of the following contacts:

 Mark Jackson - State EMS Director - 334-206-5383
 Dr. William Crawford - State Medical Director - 334-206-5383
 Julie Lash - AL Hospital Assoc Legal Office - 334-272-8781
 Tom Newline - Deputy, Dept of Public Health - 334-206-5200
 Alabama Medical Assoc (Legislative & Lobbying)- 334-261-2000 

Link to AL Legislature

**Work in Alabama has just begun with only a few calls made.  Julie Lash was unaware of the protocol and is looking into it.