What does this mean?
Currently due to conflicting protocols and liability issues, “Most Paramedics & ER Doctors believe they are prohibited from administering patient carried specialty medications or deviating from standard protocols for rare medical needs” Due to a lack of uniform reporting, nationally we have no records of how often these events are happening which is preventing the need of protocol changes being apparent on the state and national levels. It is our responsibility to raise awareness for the protection of our families and friends with SPECIAL MEDICAL NEEDS! Our paramedics need new protocols allowing for "administering specialty patient carried meds & treatment based on the "EMERGENCY MEDICAL ORDERS" from their specialist. Typically "special medical" patients are stabilized and transferred to a Level 1 Trauma Center or for those with "specialty medications" are held at the local ER until the “guaranteed safe” meds can be delivered. Both scenarios result in a delay in treatment. A delay causing anything from prolonged recovery to organ damage to loss of life! We all know time matters and this must be changed! We need you to join us in this effort, many voices are heard much better than one!