Alabama Progress

March 21, 2015 – Alabama  joined the campaign!  I was allowed to introduce and explain the importance of Danny’s Dose at their Annual Meeting.

Prior to the meeting, I was able to acquire #s and speak to some 
of the following contacts:

 Mark Jackson - State EMS Director - 334-206-5383
 Dr. William Crawford - State Medical Director - 334-206-5383
 Julie Lash - AL Hospital Assoc Legal Office - 334-272-8781
 Tom Newline - Deputy, Dept of Public Health - 334-206-5200
 Alabama Medical Assoc (Legislative & Lobbying)- 334-261-2000 

Link to AL Legislature

**Work in Alabama has just begun with only a few calls made.  Julie Lash was unaware of the protocol and is looking into it.

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